Friday, November 29, 2019

US Foreign Policy Essays - Non-interventionism,

US Foreign Policy from 1914-1917 comparison with 1801-1812 US foreign policy between 1414-1917 differed and compared with that of 1801-1812 the foreign policies between 1914-1917 and the foreign policies between 1801-1812 were similar under the political prospect of remaining neutral in a time of war. In comparison, the foreign policy between 1801-1812 was one of diplomacy and economic pressure while the one in 1914-1917 was one on political ties and moral obligations. From 1914-1917 US foreign policy compared with that of 1801-1812 under the prospect of neutrality and economic success, and differed in the sense of national obligation and global growth. Foreign policy between 1801-1812 started out as neutral, however after constant threats and economic issues, the US could no longer afford to maintain a Jeffersonian era of policies with neutrality and caution. There came challenges to the U.S. policy of neutrality when France and Britain regularly seized U.S. ships, and seizing many sailors, but the U.S. remained calm still. James Madison became president in 1808. Unlike Jefferson, Madison wanted to go to war, thus beginning the war of 1812 "Mr. Madison's War". The reason why Madison no longer followed the neutral policy and took the U.S. to war had to do with the continued violation of U.S. neutral rights at sea with the British seizing their ships and sailors. Therefore the foreign policy between 1801-1812 started out as a neutral one, but as soon as Madison became president, fed up with the violation of rights, the policy became one of diplomacy and economic pressures leading the U.S. to war. Foreign policy between 1914-1917 started out as neutral but with an impending threat of German interests the US had to act and take a side. In World War 1, as with the War of 1812, the trouble for the U.S. was due to powers stopping supplies from reaching the enemy. President Wilson noted that this was a violation of their neutrality which he himself had declared as his policy during his presidency. Many events challenged this though, such as the sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans as an answer to the British blockade. When such sinking's continued, Wilson threatened to off relations with Germany under the Sussex Pledge. During the war, the U.S. stayed true to its neutral policy but soon, due to other nations needs in the war, the U.S. economy faltered. Thus, trade quadrupled between the U.S. and the Allied powers but not with Germany. Wilson kept the nation at peace as in ?peace without victory". However when the Germans resumed unrestricted submarine warfare, allied themselves with Mexico, and sank 5 unarmed U.S. ships, war was inevitable. Unlike his previous state of mind, Wilson asked the Congress recognize a state of war, and so was granted by 1917. WWI and the War of 1812 had their differences, however, they both compared with each other in the sense of how each one was carried out and the end result. Before WWI (during Wilson's presidency) was based chiefly on economic and world domination; President Wilson wanted land and a healthy economy. On the contrary, Jefferson attempted to maintain the neutrality policies of Washington and Adams before him. While both presidents had intentions of maintaining peaceful relations with the rest of the world, they both eventually altered their policies because of foreign opportunity or threat. from 1914-1917 changed because of threat. President Wilson similarly tried to maintain peace relations with other nations, however, he changed his policy after the Germans began using unrestricted submarine warfare again. Like the U.S.'s foreign policy from 1801 to 1812, the U.S. had good economic ties with Britain and France as far as trade goes. In 1915, Public opinion played an important role in th e country's position on whether or not to declare war, like it did almost 100 years earlier. Overall, the foreign policies between the War of 1812 and WWI pre-US involvement timeframe were ones of neutrality (in comparison), and differed in the sense of national goals.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Decentralized Computing essays

Decentralized Computing essays Decentralized computing with shared information is the best structure for organizations. This structure supports the transaction and customer integrated systems. Decentralization computing with shared information is the use of several workstations or personal computers accessing the same database. This will help in reducing the continuous re-inventing of the wheel. Data information is accessible to all who need to mine it. This eliminates the need of several databases, which in turn reduces capital expenditures. According to most textbook definitions, a transaction processing system (TPS) is a system that processes transactions that occur in the organization. TPSs are mainly responsible for capturing transactions, creating new information, and storing them in a database. The secondary responsibility is conveying this data to users. Customer integrated system (CIS) is an extension of a TPS that places technology in the hands of an organizations customers and allows them to process their own transaction. An example of this is the automated teller machines used widely by the public. These machines allow the customer to do their own banking without the use of personal services of bank tellers. This system reduces the headcount and increases profit with the reduction in benefits and wages. These transactions provide real time information to the databases. The real time data allows managers to study customer transactions, as well as, print out real time information for the user. The decentralized computing with shared information greatly improves the organizations ability to reduce cost and capital equipment. The TPS and CIS allow customers to handle their own transactions. With the data being updated real time, organizations and customers are better equipped to handle issues as they arise. These systems help the organizations reduce time and cost while increasing customer satisfaction. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Adv.Accounting Theory and Pract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Adv.Accounting Theory and Pract - Essay Example I agree with Adams that the key motivation for corporate social and environmental reporting is to enhance corporate image and credibility with stakeholders. In her article, Adams offers an incomplete reason for what truly affects voluntary corporate social and environmental responsibility reporting. By focusing on the procedure of reporting and corporate outlooks, Adams attempts to find out what influences voluntary corporate reporting. However, similar to most empirical works, the precise reasons or explanations for the studied matter is open to reader interpretation (Harrison, Newholm, & Shaw, 2005, p. 213). According to Adams, variables under the internal reporting procedure comprises of organization chairperson, corporate social responsibility commission, and corporate social reporting (Adams, 2002, p. 224). These factors correspond to the basics of the accounting theory of usefulness. The external factors of corporate social responsibility that Adams uses could likely affect reporting, its level, and value. The significance of every variable differs across organizations and Adams makes this observation in her article. Two aspects that can potentially affect overall trends in corporate reporting are the degree of compulsory disclosure requirements and adjustments in stakeholder outlooks and principles (Thorne, Mahoney, and Manetti, 2014, p. 699). Considering the apparent threat to a company’s legitimacy makes Adams’ assertion about the main motivation of corporate reporting viable (Adams, 2002, p. 244). The article repeatedly calls this threat an organization’s permission to operate. Adams proves that this factor does in fact influence corporate reporting although frequently on a temporary basis. Adams is right about many accounting theories involving SEA and not giving any references to internal corporate factors. The process that Adams explains as which organizations report and the â€Å"attitudes

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Northern Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Northern Ecology - Essay Example The lack of vegetation is also due to cold winds that characterize the region. This results in a unique ecological system inhabited by exclusive organisms adapted for survival under such conditions. The climatic condition is, therefore, an integral aspect of the ecosystem that influences the distriburtion, population, and diversity of the organisms inhabiting such ecologies (Krupnik 12). The arctic tundra extends in the regions of Russia, Canada, and Iceland. Despite the harsh climatic conditions, the arctic tundra is an enabling environment for the survival of a number of plants and animals, which, therefore, create an effective ecosystem. Apart from the boreal forests, the region is inhabited with such unique animals as polar bear, arctic wolf, and fox. The animals have learnt the necessary skills to enable them survive the harsh winters and the long nights most of which last for months. The conditions are not favorable for most organisms. However, these animals among other organis ms in the region have developed specific features to ensure that they survive in the climatic conditions. The fact that they have inhabited the regions for several years alludes to the development of adaptive features, which make the subsequent generations better prepared to live in the ecosystem. Just as in any other ecosystem, the animals relate and interact freely, thereby, constructing food chains and webs, which sustain the survival of all the animals. The most common herbivores in the ecosystem are arctic hare, caribous, and lemming among others. Such animals survive on the scanty vegetation in the region (Sperry 75). It includes such a vegetation as the leaves of the undergrowth of the boreal forest among any other rare plant. To survive under some of the worst climatic conditions in the region, most of the animals get into a period of reduced metabolic activities. During hibernation, the body consumes a decreased amount of energy, and the animals, therefore, does not eat sin ce their bodies require a small amount of energy capable only of carrying out the basic metabolic processes such as breathing (Bruemmer 45). Through hibernation, therefore, the animals survive under the harsh climatic conditions and the lengthened night hours most of which consist of reduced metabolic activities. The animals make themselves sleep for months. This is an adaptive trait for most of the animals since the period is normally long and characterized by unfavorable ecological factors. No organism would, therefore, survive this period, a factor that substantiates the need for the long spell of sleep, the time within which the natural climatic factors change until they make a complete loop. They, therefore, begin to favor the increased activity in the ecosystem as the animals take the chance to hunt for food and to find mates, thereby, continuing the lineage of the species of the particular organisms. In the food chain, the herbivores provide food to an assortment of predators who employ a number of tactics to obtain food. This results in a survival of the fittest, the situation in which the predators try to obtain the scarce food while the prey also tries to evade the attack from their predators and, therefore, survive. Polar bears are among some of the most conspicuous predators in the ecosystem. They are carnivores and must kill other animals for survival. The animals are huge and are the most predominant in the ecosystem. They have a number of survival adaptations, which make their

Monday, November 18, 2019

Crashes in Oregon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Crashes in Oregon - Essay Example Outside areas of this urban-rural boundary were divided into further boundaries of 2.5 miles. An intersection tool in ArcMap was used to locate crashes within these areas. By using R studio software, road accidents in Oregon were classified into fatality crashes, serious injury crashes (Injury Type A), non-fatal crashes and PDO (Property damaged only) crashes. By using the MOR method, this research essay found that the total number of crashes that were recorded were 49790. The number of fatal crashes was 305 while non-fatal crashes were 24455 and while 25030 crashes resulted in PDO, and 1432 crashes resulted in serious injuries. A rise in the percentage of crashes has been observed in crashes involving the use of alcohol, unbelted occupants, during weekends, during nighttime and on interstate highways. Crashes involving the use of alcohol have shown a rise in the range 20% -28% from the year 2006 to 2012 for all zones. Thus, it is essential to establish safety-associated outlays and shoulder widening, making suitable alterations to the existing vertical and horizontal curves, the introduction of median treatments and to introduce the resurfacing will go long way in reducing the number of road accidents in the Oregon rural roads. Road traffic crashes are typical incidents that take place on the road. These involve vehicles and result in harm to people and property in form of casualties, injuries, and damage to vehicle and damage to nearby properties. Broadly speaking, the damages of road crashes are divided into two categories human and financial damages. The first ever fatal traffic crash recorded in the history of the world took place in the UK in the year 1896, after the accident, the then British Secretary of Transport stated that ‘never should we allow this to happen again’ (Balogun, 2007).  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

To What Extent Do We Need Evidence To Support Our Belief Philosophy Essay

To What Extent Do We Need Evidence To Support Our Belief Philosophy Essay Evidence in my opinion can be described as some type of an authentication or a proof that is used to support one individuals own belief and thought. In other words, evidence is something that leads us to proof. This proof can be further used to strengthen or validate some kind of belief that we hold. That can then be considered to be a truth or a fact. For e.g. in todays world we dont accept something to be true until and unless suitable evidence is provided. Belief is a truth which might be considered as a truth not necessarily depending on the evidence of some sort. Beliefs in the beginning are thought to be as realistic by many people even when it has not been proved with evidence. It depends if that is going to be true or false. If a belief is proved then it becomes a fact. This undoubtedly means that beliefs are facts that are unproved. In case of past events, since we never had existed in the earlier period world we can never say if history was true at all. But to prove that we need evidences. Till we dont get an evidence for something it remains a belief. It is evidence that acts as a cause or a reason why beliefs can be thought of as something that does exist or is right. History is one such subject that requires some kind of evidence to make people believe that the past events that had occurred did exist. Even when I was taught history in the yester years we only had text books that were a stimulus material to learn and believe history. We were completely dependent on the text books but the examples provided in them sounded realistic. For e.g. we actually dont know if a Mughal emperor named as Shah Jahan ever existed in the Indian history. But to support this we have the beautiful Taj Mahal that is said was built by him for his wife. Here the Taj Mahal is regarded as evidence. Hence, we believe that there was a ruler called Shah Jahan. Likewise, there are many monuments and archaeological evidences that tell us about history i.e. the Harappa civilization and the rule of the British Empire etc. But there are many controversial things and different interpretations based on evidences that they get to know. The question that arises here is If evidence ca n affect our beliefs? How can one guarantee the truth involved in the evidences? A humans belief system does not always work on the basis of evidence. I think belief is made up of many diverse incidents which influence peoples mindset and their behavior. Hence, there is a high chance for someone to simply believe something if it is implanted within their belief even if the evidence is very less or not at all. For e.g. in our childhood days parents embed a thought in our mind that God exists, when in reality we dont really have a concrete evidence to support it. No one has actually seen God. But as we grow up the power of beliefs that are embedded in us slowly decline due to many extrinsic or intrinsic factors. Very little evidence is present in case of religions. Religion is somewhat an area where people believe in it even after being aware of the less evidence or sometimes no evidence present for it. Here, its a personal choice of a person whether to believe it or not. Its faith, that makes them believe in certain things. Many unlike ways of knowing such as perception, reason, emotions and language other than evidence affect the way people form or organize their beliefs in the natural sciences. Science is an area which can be experimented carefully only with the help of proper attentive methods which verify the theories that we have created with the help of other different ways of knowing we have. For example scientists believe that the whole evolution theory was developed. In natural science, we need some kind of a belief or in other words we an assumption to make. With the help of this belief in mind we can further prove them and then they can be known as facts. An example that can be given is when in the previous years the church used to say that its earth that is at the center and the other planets and sun rotate around it. But later this was proved wrong by Galileo Galilei with proper evidence. These types of evidences ultimately thought to be as true. People are more likely to focus on one parti cular piece of evidence which supports what they already believe. However, many areas of natural sciences are very unclear and open to different interpretations for different people. There always comes up evidence which contradicts the other one. That opens up new dimensions to the subject. As many peoples belief systems are so strong, they often choose to only pay attention to the evidence which support their claims. In our daily life, we tend to believe things that we see, hear or feel. There are many facts which are first deemed to be beliefs which if proved with proper evidence are considered to be facts. But there are many facts that dont need to be proved or were not proved. An example for this can be that we dont need to prove that Sun is the source from where we get light. Another example that can be given is it is the gravitational pull that pulls down objects. Evidence is a kind of theory that affects human mind a lot. Humans tend to believe things which have at least some kind of evidence attached to it. Human belief system is biased to the dissimilar ways of knowing. It acts according to the way they come to know about something. Psychologically it can be very difficult for our mind to accept something that has been taught to be right is in fact wrong. Areas of Knowledge: History, Arts, Ethics, Natural Science, mathematics, social sciences

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Good and Evil in Literature and Poetry :: Othello

The Good and Evil in Literature and Poetry Sir Philip Sidney, in his quote about poetry (literature) as it pertains to real life vice and virtue, is indeed correct that it can have a lasting effect on the way one acts, however, he is making a gross generalization when he states that a portrayal of pure virtue can divinely inspire, where as a portrayal of evil can herd the masses away from evil deeds. The true social value of poetry and literature is not in the portrayal of vice against virtue, but rather when the two meet inside a protagonist. It is the illumination of the paradox of right and wrong that gives us truly poignant literature. We can truly understand things about ourselves when we read about characters being pulled in two directions: as Queen Elizabeth in her struggles between romantic and patriotic love, or Othello as he is torn between jealousy and love, or as Abraham struggles with the murder of his son as a testament of faith. Queen Elizabeth is an obvious example of how such a paradox can be helpful and inspirational. She writes, in On Monsieur’s Departure, about how she has a duty to the state, but at the same time, wishes to love romantically in spite of it. The reader can truly relate to the character, because she is not without fault, nor is she without virtue–literature which sheds equal value to the good and the bad in humans is the most illuminating and useful. The irony in this situation is the fact that the modern reader cannot even be sure which of the desires expressed by the queen is virtue and which is vice. Love of country is good, but fulfilling one’s own needs is good too. Ultimately, we learn from Elizabeth’s poem that one must make choices–that what is virtuous can also be harmful, and likewise. Othello gives us a similar glimpse into the train-wreck that is the human mind when determining right from wrong. As the plot unfolds, the reader finds it hard to fault Othello’s actions, as he is only trying to do what is right and honorable. Even after he is duped into believing his wife is an adulterer, he still has a deep love for her (which is why Iago’s lies eat at him as they do). Eventually, Othello commits a murder which he views as the only "right" thing to do.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Art and culture of Orissa Essay

Orissa boasts of a rich and vibrant cultural heritage naturally caused by a long history of different rulers of varied cultural and artistic inclinations. Further confluence of racial streams has also enriched the art, craft and culture of Orissa in no uncertain terms. Orissa is particularly famous for its brass work, silver work, terracotta art objects and appliquà © work, besides its unique handloom. The culture of Orissa, India, makes for an interesting study. Situated along the Bay of Bengal coast, Orissa is an Indian state that exemplifies the unique and commendable blend of ancient glory and modern initiative. Orissa is a place where nature unfurls her one of the most beauteous aspects. Unsullied beaches, rivers, gorgeous waterfalls and majestic hills all contribute in accentuating the appeal of the state as a popular tourist destination. The culture of Orissa also generates considerable interest among both the domestic and the foreign travelers. Orissa is largely rural and the traditional values that are still retained form an integral aspect of the Orissa culture. Orissa’s strategic geographical location has engendered the assimilation of the culture of the Aryans and the Dravidians. The culture of Orissa can very well be described as an Indo-cultural synthesis. Orissa art and craft constitutes a major portion of the culture of Orissa. The art of Orissa underwent myriad changes and is a product of a number of assimilations and imbibitions. Orissa is known for its sand arts, Patta Chitra, Palm Leaf Paintings, Jhoti, Chita and Muruja. The Orissan artists are unsurpassed in their skill. Orissa boasts of a glorious tradition of dance and music. The figurines of dancers and musicians gracing the walls of the quaint temples in Orissa speak volumes about the rich musical heritage of the state. Odissi music is the classical art that has imbibed the elements common to the Hindustani and Karnatik music. The Odissi dance, Chhau Dance, Mahari dance, the jatra, pala and Daskarhia comprise of an inextricable part of the culture of Orissa. The  sacred environs of Lord Jagannath temple, the eroticism of Konark’s Sun temple, the wondrous caves of Jainism, the mystical monasteries of Buddhism, the paintings of folklore and the weaver’s magic; all stand as meek evidences of an eloquent past and continuing golden present of Orissa. FAIRS AND FESTIVALS Besides celebrating the important festivals like Dusshera, Durga Puja, Diwali and Holi, Orissa also has its own share of numerous festivals celebrated with frolic and vivacity. The most prominent Puri festival comprises of Rath Yatra, Chandan Yatra and Devasnana purnima. While the Puri Beach festival is a fun lovers fest, the Konark Dance festival marks a befitting tribute to the magnificent Sun temple at Konark.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Famine in Sahel-Sebastiao Selgado essays

Famine in Sahel-Sebastiao Selgado essays Sebastiao Selgado is one of the most famous photojournalists in history. Salgados fame as an international photographer began with his harsh yet moving photographs of the Famine in the Sahel during the mid 1980s. He worked with the humanitarian organization, Doctors without Borders, on an year and a half project documenting the devastating famine in Africa. During this time, Selgado borrowed his wifes camera and captured a variety of subjects exposed to the harshest conditions of existence. Even though Selgados photographs vividly express human suffering through sophisticated and dramatic compositions, they seem to never lose sight of their subjects humanity. These images capture moments of complete despair, but each one also shines light on human beings fighting for their dignity. Selgados talent arises from his ability to take these images of suffering, while showing a respect that does not violate, but rather penetrates the human spirit. His photographic images are beautiful objects of tone and light, even though they express such morbid conditions of human pain in its raw form. Selgado is concerned with making his pictures viewed not as art objects, but rather documentation in a purely journalist form. He is an economist and humanitarian who has often attempted to use his photographs to directly improve the conditions of the images he captures. By making it virtually impossible to avoid personal emotion when viewing his photographs, not only does Selgado bring his work to a higher level of intellectual and emotional concern, but also a concern with visual keys and references. His subjects have been stripped of everything, but they have dignity, which is intentionally and effectively portrayed in each photograph. That dignity is the source of their indescribable beauty. Many of Salgados images are iconographic, a vast range of subjects, yet each one s...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How the Star Spangled Banner Became the Anthem

How the Star Spangled Banner Became the Anthem On March 3, 1931, U.S. President Herbert Hoover signed an act that officially made The Star Spangled Banner the national anthem for the United States. Before this time, the United States had been without any national anthem. History of "The Star Spangled Banner" The words of The Star Spangled Banner were first written on September 14, 1814 by Francis Scott Key as a poem titled, The Defence of Fort McHenry. Key, a lawyer and an amateur poet, was being detained on a British warship during the British naval bombardment of Baltimores Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. When the bombardment subsided and Key witnessed that Fort McHenry was still flying its huge American flag, he began writing his poem. (Historical Note: This flag was truly huge! It measured 42 by 30 feet!) Key recommended that his poem be sung as a song to the popular British tune, To Anacreon in Heaven. It soon became known as The Star Spangled Banner. Becoming the National Anthem The Star Spangled Banner was published in a number of newspapers at the time, but by the Civil War it had become one of the most popular patriotic songs of the United States. By the late 19th century, The Star Spangled Banner had become the official song of the U.S. military, but it wasnt until 1931 that the United States made The Star Spangled Banner the official national anthem of the country. Believe It or Not Interestingly, it was Robert L. Ripley of Ripleys Believe It or Not! that spurred the interest of the American people to demand The Star Spangled Banner to become the official national anthem. On November 3, 1929, Ripley ran a panel in his syndicated cartoon stating that Believe It or Not, America has no national anthem. Americans were shocked and wrote five million letters to Congress demanding Congress proclaim a national anthem.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Physical anthropology - A Feline Paternity Suit Assignment

Physical anthropology - A Feline Paternity Suit - Assignment Example Then if the kitten #1 has GG or Gg then it will have short tail but when gg then it will have long tail. Therefore possible genotypes are GG, Gg and gg. From the information provided, Kitten #2 is almost exactly like its mother meaning that in almost every aspect, the mother’s gene was dominant over the neighbors’ cat. It therefore means that the illustrated traits and phenotypes is exactly as that of the mother. For ticking, the kitten will give birth to two kids having agouti and the other one non-agouti since it has two dominant genes inherited from the mother who is also agouti. Therefore the ratio will be 2:1. Looking at the phenotypes of the Kitten#3 there is high chance that the gene of the father and mother was at balance in almost every aspect, especially when comparing it with Kitten#2 which resemble the mother but has different phenotypes as that of Kitten#3. In the case of agouti, the Kitten does not resemble the mother therefore the trait resulting into this phenotype was from the father. In this case, the gene for non-agouti is N and that for agouti is n. For color density, the Kitten must have taken the trait of the father because we already know that the mother has dense color. Therefore in this case, let the gene for dilute color be D and d for dilute color. The kitten is different from the mother based on the stripe color. The genetic information provided above shows that the mother has a stripe color of black which contradicts with information regarding Kitten#2 who we were told resemble the mother but still has brown stripes. Since the mother is an all black cat, it therefore means that during crossing over, the gene of the mother was recessive over that of the father and could not result in all black cat. It therefore stands that father’s gene for all white cat was dominant. Alternatively, there could be a possibility of co-dominant allele which will alter phenotype when they exist in heterozygous state. Let’s refer to the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15

Business Ethics - Essay Example The leadership style of Robert Nardelli is described as autocratic and directive. He was a task oriented and directive leader who employed severe strictness and inflexibility in Home Depot during his tenure as the CEO in the organization. The leadership style of Nardelli was characterized by centralized control without considering the behavior and acceptance of the employees and the customers. The incorporation of extensive technologies and new organizational procedures harmed Home Depot bringing down its stock prices in the long term and negatively affecting the shareholders. Though the immediate effects of his leadership were not erosive but after few years the growth of the company slowed down to a great extent due to the increased dissatisfaction of the employees as well as the customers of Home Depot (Baack, 2012). The management style of Nardelli was criticized to be inflexible and callous. But the leadership style of Nardelli was much influenced by his tenure at GE as a result of which he focused more on technology and goal driven business plans. But this kind of leadership was not suitable in the retail industry as the leadership style required in Home Depot needed to be more people oriented creating better employee and customer satisfaction. The reputation of home Depot suffered and the share prices feel whereas the competitor companies succeeded through the creation of better customer experience and satisfaction levels. Home Depot needed a constructive and participative leadership style as opposed to the autocratic leadership style of Nardelli. Due to the directive leadership style of Nardelli, the financial metrics of the company improved initially but the metrics of customer service and employee satisfaction declined. Home Depot need a situational leadership from the CEO but Nardelli was not able to respond to the requirements of the changing situation related to the